Favorite sayings!
- Two wrongs don't make a right! (my ultimate favorite)
- I before E, except after C
- Fair doesn't always mean equal
- I need some quiet time... (my kids hate that one)
- Fibick Ibov!
- Blah, Blah, Blah
- If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, then it never was. (how's that for really old!)
- Was that me?
- I'm just making a suggestion?
- Did you say something? (in response to when someone passes wind or burps)
- More useless than 3 tits on a bull!
- Oh look, a rock!
- No shit Sherlock (to which the response is "Keep digging Watson)
- I'm sorry (I'm always saying sorry for something or other...)
- Okey Dokey.... (and sometimes will add "artichokie")
- Life's a bitch and then you die
- Life's a bitch and then you marry one
- Life's a bitch and so am I
- I'm gonna go wat-o-wiggle on yo' ass (from Dickie Roberts)
- There you have it!
- For every action, there's an equal & opposite reaction
- Home is wherea you hanga your hat...Home... I'm so broke up I wanna go home....(from Buckaroo Banzai)
- Ya think!
- I see said the blind man to his deaf wife as the lame man got up & walked away
- Too right!
- Oh come off it... (or variation... Oh, just come off it you guys!)
- Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle
- Hey Monkey boy/bum/girl
- Never Assume.... because you make an ASS out of U and ME
- No Worries
- Take left foot out....put right fooot in!
- You never know until you ask!
- Where there's a will, there's a way
- Sooooo?
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