Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Put an X beside it

I don't know why I'm posting this stupid thing.... I really dislike it when friends send me these chain letters. I guess it's just the frame of mind I'm in...which lately hasn't been that good lately.

So take it for what it is....or is not!
Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the x from the ones you have not, and send it to all of your friends (including me). Then answer the questions in the end.
This is for your entire life:

(X)Smoked a cigarette
(X) Drank so much you threw up
( x )Crashed a friend's car
( )Stolen a car
(X) Been in love
(X)Been dumped
( x )Been laid off/fired
( x ) Quit your job
(X)Been in a fist fight
( )Snuck out of your parent's house
(X)Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
()Been arrested
( x )Gone on a blind date
(X)Lied to a friend as to not hurt her
(X) Skipped school
( x )Seen someone die
(X) Been to Canada duhhh kinda like I live here!
( )Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
( )Been lost (With NO English signs)
( )Been on the opposite side of the country.
( )Gone to Washington,DC
(X)Swam in the ocean
(X)Felt like dying - on a regular basis!
(X)Cried yourself to sleep
()Played cops and robbers
()Recently colored with crayons
(X)Sang karaoke
( x ) Paid for a meal with only coins
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(X)Made prank phone calls...
(X)Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue,
( x ) Danced in the rain,
( x ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( x )Been kissed under the mistletoe
( x )Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
( x ) Blown bubbles
( x )Made a bonfire on the beach
()Crashed a party
( x )Gone roller-skating
( x ) Ice-skating
( x )Any nicknames?

1. Mother's name? Shirley... but what does that have to do with anything
2. What is your favorite drink? Water
3. Tattoos? Got 3...want more

4. How much do you love your job? Don't work...

5. Birthplace: Ontario

6. favorite vacation spot? Anywhere but here...and preferably sunny

7. Ever been to Africa? Sure...go there all the time!

8. Ever steal any traffic signs? Nope

9. Ever been in a car accident? Yep

10. Foot size? 8 1/2

11. 2 Door or 4 Door? 4 Dr...

12. Salad dressing? Epicure Verde Vinaigrette or Paul Newman's Oil & Vinegar

13. Favorite pie? Apple

14. Favorite number? anything odd

15. Favorite movie? Ever After

16. Favorite holiday? Who knows...they're all too commercial for me anymore

17. Favorite food? Mexican & Japanese

18. Favorite day of the week? any day I don't have to get up early

19. Favorite brand of body soap? soap is soap

20. Favorite TV show? Lost

21. Toothpaste? anything cinnamon

22. Favorite smell? outside after it rains in the spring

23. What do you do to relax? sleep

24. Message to your friends reading this? Good question... I don't know

25. How do you see yourself in 10 years? ??? Who the hell knows

26. What do you do when you are bored? sleep

27. What do you enjoy receiving? Love & respect

28. Furthest place you will send this message? The world

29. Who will respond the fastest? No Idea

30. Least likely to respond? Don't know

31. What time is it now? 4:00am

Don't ask yourself what the world needs, Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that, because the world needs people to come alive.


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